Saturday, March 14, 2009

My house is complete

I got to meet the Pringles in Sacramento this weekend to pick up my "babies" and bring them back to our house for the weekend. It is so much fun having them here again. It feels like my house is complete and full, now that they are here. It is amazing how quiet it seems when they are gone. Xander is loving having the extra attention, love & competition in the house. Elijah adores Xander, but still likes to be that baby at times, which is really funny to watch. Emma is the little mother at all times and carries Xander around, feeds him & is my little side-kick. Simon is a great big-brother like always & enjoys doting on Xander and playing games with him. Tonight we were giving Xander a bath & Simon kept making up new games to entertain Xander. We just enjoyed some late-night smoothies, you-tube & a game of cards before I tuck us all into bed for the night. I love them so much! It is so nice to have their joy & laughter fill my house once again.

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a great time you had. Glad that the kids came down for a visit!