I know it has been awhile since I have posted any new thoughts, but in case you didn't know- Brandon, Xander and I are moving in one week and still have no idea where we will be living!!! There is a lot of loose ends for us to tie up and deal with right now. Trying to get ready to move, find a new house in a new town we know very little about, say goodbye, clean, finish shopping at my favorite spots...the list goes on. There is just so much to think about that I have been reminding myself not to get stressed out. This is a hard thing for me to do since I like to have everything planned and in order beforehand. If you know me at all, you know that is the biggest understatement of the year! ;) So as I have been freaking out about everything that has to get done- I realized that I should just relax and let it all be! Hakuna Matata... But that wasn't as easy to do as it may seem. Until I realized that if I stress out too much, I will start to get grey hair and then I started having this vision of my hair all growing in wild and freakishly long and unaturally bright sliver and scraggly. Oddly enough, it was curly too and stuck out all over the place. I looked like a haggardly old witch! So now, I am convinced more than ever not to worry about it. Everything will work out...I am just anxious to have some answers. But I know God will provide. He always takes care of us. He never fails. We are so blessed- I don't know why I ever worry. But when my mind starts to get away from me, and I start to think about all the little things we have to take care of- I just envision the scraggly old "me" witch hunched over with knappy silver hair and I have to just laugh at loud and let it all go!
Oh, you make me smile! No witchy scraggly nappy hair for you my dear. You are much to young and beautiful for that!!
I love you and we can pack tomorrow instead of scrapbook, OK? Or go to Target or whatever.
I love you. Thanks for the blog tonight!
I'm glad you decided to share this thought with the blogging world. Ha, you painted a good picture :) I had a great day today! Let's do it again soon!! Love you.
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