Muckin Around: Hanging out
Bloak: dude
Holiday: Vacation/ trip
Barbie: Bbq
Boot: Trunk of a car
Rubbish: Trash/ Garbage cans
Bonzer: Great/awesome
Way out: Exit
Give Way: Yield
Ta' : Thank you
Mate: friend
Good on ya: Good luck
G'day: Hello/ A greeting
'Avago: Try it/ Try it out
No worries: No problem/ Don't worry about it (used A LOT)
Maccas: Mc Donalds
Big W: Walmart
Nappie: Diaper
Serviette's: Napkins
Dammit: like our curseword, but socially acceptable here, so I am told
Trolly: Shopping cart
Bonnet: hood of car
Pram: Stroller
Bush Walk: Hike
Chips: French Fries
Crisps: Potatoe chips
Kangas: Kangaroos
Most questions shall be phrased as statements prepared for clarification, such as:
Going to Manly Beach, are you?
You are all students, are you?
Enjoying your Holiday, are you?
Many words will be shortened with an additional "ie" added at the end:
Housies: Housemates
Bickies: Biscuits
Expie: Expiration
Woolies: Woolworth's (a store)
Breckie: Breakfast
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9 years ago