today i was hit by the crazy awareness that xander is really not even 7 months old yet. he acts so much older and interacts with us so much. he is so much fun and such a joy! i just love him!
he was playing peek-a-boo with me and trying to get me to chase him around the house. he would crawl a little bit and then look back at me. when i would tell him to get back here he would just giggle and crawl a few more paces. then stop and look back at me. then he giggled and went around the corner. when i went over to check on him, he was just sitting there watching the corner, waiting for me to come get him. he squealed in delight as soon as he saw me and tried to crawl away quickly. he is so cute! and so much fun!
he keeps me quite busy. i don't know how i will ever get everything done before we move! thankfully kim faires picked him up and gave me a few hours to get things done today...what a blessing! i got more done in those few hours than i have in the last few weeks! then i headed over to their house for family dinner which was very good-like always. but a day is not over, unless there is a little shopping to be had! which we did. 1 aleah and i hit up some bargain shopping and got some cute clothes for 3 and 5 dollars a piece! we love a great deal!!! (we did each pick up some pretty spicy shoes too...but we paid with cash so that doesn't even count) ;)
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9 years ago