Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Brandon and I are having a great "alone" time on our Weekend Getaway. We are so blessed to have some wonderful friends who offered to take Xander for a few days so that we could get some much-needed uninterrupted time with each other. THANK YOU!!!
As we talked about our plan for the weekend, we decided to abandon our typical adventurous agenda and plant ourselves in our room & do absolutely nothing. We wanted to take advantage of the wonderful time we had on our hands so we brought along our videos & photos that we had yet to upload from the past several years. We have enjoyed reminiscing through the past and relishing all the stolen moments of Xander's first few years of life as we anticipate the arrival of his new baby brother! Yes- we have exciting news: Brandon and I will be having a baby boy in August!!! We are going to be very busy preparing for another little boy, while trying to cherish every moment we have with our family during this exciting time in our lives.