Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Update

Today went well in Waterford. Brandon spoke & did a phenomenal job. Thanks for al the prayers. We were both able to connect with many of the students and enjoyed our lunch afterwards. We had a great time speaking with the parents & staff. There was a lot of interest in us and our plan for the ministry. Many of the students were very excited and kept asking us great questions. We are looking forward to what God has in store for us. Brandon will be meeting with the pastor this week. More news to come...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Please be praying for us as Brandon has his final meeting/interview with a church in Waterford, Ca. He is speaking to the high school students tomorrow (Sunday) and then we are attending a luncheon with some o f the staff, parents & volunteers in the high school ministry. This is the final step in the process and we are really hopeful that this may work out. The church is about 20 minutes from our home, which would be awesome that we wouldn't have to move. We are excited to see what God has for our family next & anxious to begin ministering to high school students again. We know that this is what God has called us to and it has really been hard to be out of the ministry this summer. Please pray that Brandon would speak well, that the church family would be welcoming & excited to meet us, that their questions would be positive, that Brandon would have the best answers & that God would give us His clarity, wisdom, direction & peace throughout the rest of this process.
We are so grateful to all of our friends & family who have been such a huge support & encouragement to us during this difficult time in our lives. We love you very much & appreciate all of your prayers, friendship & love that you have given us. THANK YOU!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hendriks 3 B&B

This is what our house should be renamed: The Hendriks 3 B&B
We have had a fun time with our friends and family visiting over the past few weeks
We have had Shana & Kristena (friends from college)
Gerry & Anna (Redding family)
Tiffany & Drew (Oregon family)
Tiff & Drew again
Aaron & Carrie (Super friends from South Carolina)
And then we have coming up:
Kim (from Redding)
Aaron & Carrie again
My Mom & Dad
Hopefully some of the Faires family
And then hopefully Brandon's Mom & Dad

note: if you do not see your name listed about there is a problem. Please consult Melissa immediately so that we can get this sorted out & put a date on the calendar asap for you to come & visit!!!