We had an incredible time visiting Aaron & Carrie in South Carolina. Brandon spoke at a their camp for several days & then we got to hang out with them. They are such great friends of ours & we really miss them dearly. It has been so fun getting together with them & watching our kids grow up so quickly before our eyes. Their little baby Camille is just darling & I hate that I don't get to see her more often.
We also got to see my family while we were on the East Coast. We met in Jacksonville at my aunt's house and made the most out of a 24 hr whirlwind visit. It was lots of fun being with my family- such a treat that we don't get to have nearly often enough. We will be spoiled this month because they are coming out here next week for Xander's birthday!!! Yay!- twice in one month...that never happens!!!
Dear Sunday, Monday & Tuesday...please hurry up & leave.
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9 years ago