We had a successful event with our high school students in Waterford last night. We hosted a Drive-In Movie @ Elly's house. Elly's family owns a lot of property & have a perfect location for hosting large events. They have been very gracious to let us have 2 events there so far.
It was a long day for Brandon as he left the house at 7:30 am and did not get home until almost 11 at night! He stayed in Waterford after church with a few guys from the high school group who helped him set up all the media equipment...of course there were a couple kinks & problems with the sound system so it was a good thing they decided to set up early. I got out there around 6 pm, after running to the store and getting all our last minute items & leaving Xander with our friend Charisse, who is so awesome to watch Xander when we need some help! We watched the Nightmare before Christmas & the students loved it. I was surprised that many of them had never seen it before, or did not remember it because it had been so long ago. They all seemed to have a great time & we were happy to have about 75 students come out for the event! It was a lot of fun & we are encouraged to see the students warming up to us & feeling like they are getting to know us.
After the movie, one of the guy's trucks wouldn't start so we had to search for jumper cables & took about 45 minutes to get his truck to turn on. Most of the crowd was gone by then. We were all packed up & ready to be home so we loaded up & drove away. As Brandon was driving up the hill to leave the property, one of the girls' trucks stopped working. She claimed her battery died and she coudln't get it to start again. They let her work on it for about 10 minutes until they finally decided to all back up & they would roll her truck backwards to jump start it. ONce they had all moved their cars, one of the guys got in her car to jump start it & as he turned the ignition it started right up. Turns out she hadn't had the clutch all the way in...
Always some sort of excitement at a high school event!
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9 years ago