Alright friends.
It's time to do something with your life.
Brandon was just telling me about a very sad story of a man he met while he was in Africa last summer. This man was a father of five children. He was a farmer and they had just had a very rough season that year and there just wasn't enough grain to feed his family. He crunched the numbers and racked his brain to figure out how he could make more money, how he could stretch their food to make it through the dry season. He knew that if they could just make it through the year to the next season they would be fine. So he created a plan and explained to his wife and children that they would only be able to eat every other day for the next months until they grew more food. As it was, they were already only eating ONE light meal a day, but he had to do something to make the food stretch. He told them that if they stuck to this plan there bodies would be able to sustain themselves well enough that they wouldn't completely starve, although they would be very hungry.
But then the rains never came. And never came. And this father started to worry. How was he going to grow grain without an rain? By the time the rains finally came, it was too late and they were running out of food. He was at a loss. What was he going to do now? He had to feed his family but there was just not enough food! He contemplated going without food himself, but knew that then his entire family would starve to death because there would be no-one left to provide for them. If they missed any more days in between meals their bodies would go into starvation mode and shut down, but if he continued to feed them on the plan they had created, they would ALL definitely die! So he made the hardest decision of his entire life. He had to choose one of his children to stop feeding for the sake of the rest of his family. If he took one child out of the equation they could make it to the next season. So he looked into the eyes of one of his own little babies and told them that they would no longer be receiving food. Ever. He did what he had to do in a horrible, horrible situation.
DO NOT JUDGE HIM! You have not walked in his shoes. And unless we experience poverty and pain like he has, we cannot understand what it is like. We think we are living in economic hardship?!
With all the heartache and sadness in the world it is easy to feel helpless and paralyzed into thinking "I am only one person...what can I really do to make a difference?"
Well- I will tell you what you can do:
Yes, it is a "hard time" for us Americans to think of spending our money on anything but ourselves. But I can tell you it is well worth it! These children have nothing. And I know that we can all afford the $32 a month. Sure, I would rather spend that on dinner, or a new pair of shoes, or jamba Juice, or coffee- but the difference this makes in their lives is exponential compared to the few moments of happiness it brings us. 32 bucks gives them food, healthcare, education-which gives them a future and the potential of having a better job to provide for their families, and the LOVE of God! Do you really want to stand before God on Judgement Day and explain to him why you needed that money more than they did? To justify how you spent you money he blessed you with on yourself, instead of making an eternal difference in the lives of these children?
Please- Sign up Right now! Today- It will be the best thing you have ever done. Because if I was a mother in poverty, I would want someone as wealthy as we all are, helping my children! You can afford it, if you want to make a difference.

These children have been waiting over 6 months to get sponsored. It is the difference between life and death for them. Go to:
Click Sponsor a Child
Choose Advanced Search in the box on the bottom left side of the screen
Scroll thru the options and choose Region:Africa-Country:Burkina Faso-Longest waiting:yes
I would love to see all 5 of these kids sponsored today...please help!
You can even sign-up for Direct pay and it will sponsor them every month & you don't have to remember
You can write letters to your child online